Formula 1

July 11, 2017 1 Comment

I pray everyone is enjoying the peace and love of the Father today!  We all know that it goes against everything in the flesh to rejoice when we are uncomfortable, but when we can move beyond our eyes and see the world through His, we tap into the unimaginable!

So last week Marcus introduced a new teaching titled ONE.  It's funny that he only used the word Trinity once, I believe, throughout the teaching.  I thought the message was going to go a totally different route, but that wasn't the case.  Growing up, I knew of the word Trinity and a little of its general meaning, but it wasn't until adulthood that I actually learned much more about its origin and definition.  It is a mysterious concept that's trying to be conveyed in the term and if you read about its formulation during the Council of Nicea, it has the hand prints of philosophers all over it.  How does man describe the Supreme Ruler and Creator revealed in the Holy Scriptures?  How about this?  Let Him speak for Himself.  Did He reveal that He only manifests Himself in three ways?  Who are we that we would think to define The Almighty in such a concrete way like we could even comprehend His essence?  Well, He does desire for us to know Him, therefore, He has given us His Word and His Spirit.  Let's stick to the Scriptures and I'm talking about the "patch quilt" Scripture version.  What YeHoVaH has revealed about His nature is that He is one; not three in one, not two in one or any other combination.  He can be whatever He wants to be, but until He reveals more about His nature, the Trinity is merely man's attempt to describe Him from a philosophical point of view. 

Moses stated that He, YeHoVaH, is one in Deuteronomy 6:4.  Yeshua stated in John 10:30 that He and the Father are one.  There are many verses where Yeshua explains that He is one with the Father because He does the will of the One that sent Him.  They are one and that oneness is put forth to us; for us to come into that oneness - John 17:11.  John 17 is such a beautiful prayer from Yeshua.  Listen to what He is saying to the Father.  He says that we were given to Him by the Father.  We are gifts presented to the Master Yeshua.  Gifts!  You are a gift and Yeshua wants you to be one with your brother just as the Father and Son are one.  One in Him.  Can we really wrap our heads around that?  What does that look like?  Well, Yeshua constantly asserts that He does not do His own thing.  Are we doing our own thing?  He doesn't speak His own words.  Do we speak our own words?  He does the will of the Father and He and the Father are one.  We have to be like our Master, Yeshua.  He has shown us the way and He is that Way.  He wants us to return to the Father.  Return to that righteous path that was established long ago.  He loves us more than we could ever know because we have such a tainted view of what love is, but if we can lay down the old man and become one with Him so that His Spirit can work in us, then we can taste how good pure love really is.  We need to love one another, bear with one another, rebuke and build up one another.  The list goes on and on.  Look at what Yeshua had to deal with when He walked amongst men.  The unbelief, the weakness, the treachery.  How did He deal with those things.  He was loving and blunt with the truth.  He wanted to see these people set free because He cared for them.  He addressed heresy head on and with authority he corrected false doctrine.  He was tender and bold. 

During the teaching, Marcus mentioned how we tend to have a god of our own imagination operating in our minds.  Trying to take God from His throne and set Him down next to us by our side.  I have been saying for a long time that we need to stop proclaiming that God is on our side and focus on coming over to His side.  Who are we that He should be on our side?  No, He wants us to leave our place and come stand by HIM. He is one and desires for us to be one IN Him.  That means that it's no longer my show or your show, but His.  He has arranged a path that He has appointed as one worthy of His approval.  Walk on that path.  We can make up our own if we want, but that means we've gone another way.  We can't call the same path that we or someone else has made up His path; there is only one Way.  We have to constantly remind ourselves to beware of different paths.  All day long we are bombarded to make decisions about what to do and where to go.  Are we being lead by Him when we make those decisions?  We really should. With every passing moment, let's get in tune with Him; pressing into Him, becoming one with Yeshua; with Father. 


1 Response

Shar Campbell
Shar Campbell

July 21, 2017


Thanks for your insightful views each week. You challenge me in my walk. Keep it coming!!

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