Update: Partnership Invitation

Update: Partnership Invitation

February 05, 2019

It's been three months since we launched our partnership invitation and I want to to give you an updated.


We've been exceedingly blessed from the support of three partners who’ve stood by us with their partnership donation.


I know that when you look into the world things may appear to be rough, but we are people who understand that there is a kingdom economy - father’s Kingdom has never had a recession.


So I want to thank those who have supported us out of faith, believing that it is not only when Yeshua comes his reward will be with him, but they will be rewarded also in this present time.


As mentioned in our first partnership invitation video, it is extremely important that we secure a venue that we can control, because as we approach Passover and Unleavened Bread we need to be free to be able to worship. The landlord of the facility we were using informed us that they no longer want us to use the venue in the middle of the week. 


Although this is alarming, I was not surprised with this news because I believe a few days earlier father had revealed to me the plan that is already bearing fruit.


It is for this cause that we invited members of the body to stand with us.


Additionally, I revealed a 3 phase plan that will enable us to bring the gospel of the kingdom to the world by:


  • Securing our own venue

  • Creating a broadcast worthy set

  • Invest in quality recording and broadcasting equipment

  • Invest in social and traditional marketing to promote the ministry both online and in house

  • Provide a place of worship for the House of Israel in the United Kingdom


And more…


So I'm calling on your help. 


We need another nine people to support us with a one-off donation of £2500, or a pledge for the same amount over the course of 12 months.


It would mean so much! And as thank you to those who support our ministry, we want to bless your home with the gift.


We are going to send a 100% unique and handmade piece of art that will be a constant reminder of how you've been a blessing to us and how we've been a blessing to you.


The inspiration of this piece comes from Psalm chapter 1 and Jeremiah 17. If you're familiar with those passages of scripture, you will know that the name of his YeHoVaH is recorded and therefore if this piece hangs in your home then you can trust you shall be blessed.


So I encourage you, if Father has pressed your heart to support us, then do so.


It would mean so much to us and make a massive difference.


For more information click here 


Peace be unto you.



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