Achievements from 2019 & opportunities for 2020

Shalom brothers and sisters in Messiah Yeshua,


As we are quickly approaching the end of the Gregorian year 2019, I wanted to provide you with an overview of our achievements and opportunities for the upcoming year.


2019 was a year of steadfastness and transition - we’ve had to overcome and endure. It is therefore a result of the continued commitment to the calling and commission to disciple the nations, that we can conclude 2019 having transitioned to a place of growth and dynamic impact. For those who stood by us in fellowship; prayer and with your financial support I want to thank you. I pray each and every one of you are richly blessed. 

Here are a list of just some of the stand out achievements from the year. 

  • We held two ‘Discipleship, Baptism & Breaking of Bread’ events, that saw more saints baptised, discipled and fellowshiped with, by us in a year than ever before.
  • We faithfully published New Moon reports and hosted online services each month.
  • We established an ‘Abundance & Compassion Ministry’, that will provide essential resources to support the saints in their time of need.
  • Dramatically increased the reach of our online broadcast with total world-wide minutes viewed at 426000 - an increase from 2018 of roughly 24.5%.
  • Faithfully hosted Sabbath, Feast & New Moon services both in-house and online.

And much more. 

As you can see, our commitment to the Gospels of the Kingdom and the discipleship of the nations has and will continue to be a blessing to the body. However, we can do so much more. 

Here is a list of opportunities for 2020.

  • Publish ‘Yeshua’s Disciple - Teach|Demonstrate|Heal’ in different languages to bless the world-wide body of Messiah.
  • Publish ‘Yeshua’s Disciple - The Narrow Way’.
  • Help to establish and disciple nations through missionary work as lead by the Spirit.
  • Support the growth, continuation and guide local fellowships in alignment with the scriptures.
  • Continue to invite partners to support us in order for to secure a new venue for us to continue to grow and flourish in

With you standing beside us, faithfully supporting the Gospel of the Kingdom through House of Israel U.K ,we will not only be able to continue but to also achieve the above and more. 


So as we approach the end of the Gregorian year, please help us hit the ground running for next year and to end this one strong. Again, without your faithful financial support, prayers and fellowship we would not be able to achieve what we already hand and hope to next year. So please sow unto our ministry your carnal, to enable for us to sow unto you spiritual.


YeHoVaH bless you.


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