Unlocking the Gospels: Overcoming Biblical Cultural Eisegesis for Divine Understanding

Unlocking the Gospels: Overcoming Biblical Cultural Eisegesis for Divine Understanding

November 06, 2023

The exploration of the Gospels goes beyond mere reading and understanding. To truly grasp their essence and the life they offer, it is essential to appreciate the concept of "Biblical Cultural Eisegesis." This term, often overlooked, has a profound impact on how we interpret and live out the teachings of the Bible. In this blog post, we will delve into the concept of Biblical Cultural Eisegesis and its implications for our understanding of the Gospels.

Understanding Biblical Cultural Eisegesis

Let's first define our key term:

  • Culture: Culture encompasses the ideas, customs, and social behaviors of a particular society or group of people.

  • Eisegesis: Eisegesis involves interpreting a text by injecting one's own presuppositions, biases, or agendas into the text.

Biblical Cultural Eisegesis occurs when we project the ideas, customs, and traditions of our own culture into the scriptures. This can hinder our ability to fully comprehend and live by the Word, even when we believe in it. Our cultural presuppositions can cloud our understanding.

A Biblical Example

To illustrate this concept further, let's turn to Luke 1:5:

"In the days of Herod, the king of Judea, there was a certain priest named Zacharias of the course of Abia, and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, named Elisabeth."

This verse introduces us to Zacharias, a priest in the temple. But what does it reveal about the concept of priesthood and its cultural implications?

Biblical Background

We can gain more insight by referencing 1 Chronicles 24:1:

"These are the divisions of the sons of Aaron. The sons of Aaron were Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar..."

This passage outlines the organization of the priestly divisions, with specific roles and responsibilities. It provides the context for understanding the priesthood in the Gospels.

The Impact of Biblical Cultural Eisegesis

Due to Biblical Cultural Eisegesis, the role and authority of priests in churches are rarely questioned. In the history of Christianity, Catholicism, the precursor of the faith, integrated its own doctrines into the scriptures. This fusion created a hybrid religion, incorporating elements of Judaism and paganism. While there are arguments for priests conducting services, they often neglect scriptural prohibitions.

Exploring Hebrews 8:1

To shed more light on this issue, let's refer to Hebrews 8:1-6:

"Now of the things which we have spoken, this is the sum: We have such a high priest... A minister of the true tabernacle... For every high priest is ordained to offer gifts and sacrifices... But now he has obtained a more excellent ministry..."

This passage highlights the transition from the old priestly system to a new one with Yeshua as the high priest. It challenges traditional ideas of priesthood.

Catechism of The Catholic Church

In contrast to scriptural teachings, the Catechism of The Catholic Church states:

"The baptized have become 'living stones'... By Baptism, they share in the common priesthood of all believers..."

This divergence from the scriptural foundation further emphasizes the impact of Biblical Cultural Eisegesis.

Divergence from Scripture

Contrary to scripture, many believe that anyone baptized can become a priest and lead temple-like worship services. However, Yeshua, as a priest after the order of Melchizedek, serves in the true tabernacle in heaven. This divergence from the scriptural foundation leads to unrighteousness where the Holy Spirit should be welcomed.

Zacharias, a Blameless Priest

Zacharias was considered blameless because he followed the Lord's ordinances. Proverbs 15:8 highlights that the prayer of the upright is a delight to the LORD. This implies that prayers from those not in alignment with the Father's will, will not be received.

The Example of Abel

The story of Cain and Abel in Genesis 4 further illustrates the principle that offerings from the wicked are an abomination to the LORD. This emphasizes the importance of living in accordance with God's word.

Seeking Divine Intervention

To have our prayers heard and experience divine intervention, we must strive to be blameless, as Zacharias was. Blindly following a religion that does not align with the Word can hinder the blessings and promises within it.

Living According to the Word

Living in accordance with the Word is the key to having our prayers heard and receiving divine favor. To attain an environment where all things become possible, we must align ourselves with the God of all possibilities. The story of Mary, highly favored and blessed, reinforces the idea that living in accordance with the words of life leads to divine favor and blessings.

The Environment for Answered Prayers

Our circumstances for having our prayers heard and experiencing divine intervention are closely linked to how we live in accordance with the Word. This is the environment where all things become possible, as the God of all possibilities dwells among us.

The Name "Jesus"

The name "Jesus" has its roots in the Greek form of "Yeshua," meaning "Yah is salvation." Yeshua was not English, Roman, or Greek but a Hebrew, an Israelite, and the seed of David. To be blameless, we must remove cultural leaven and live in alignment with the scriptures. Yeshua is destined to reign over the house of Jacob forever. Mary's favor and the promise of Yeshua's birth exemplify the rewards of living in accordance with the Word.

Serving the Almighty

Yehovah, the Creator of heaven and earth, can make the impossible possible. To receive the Kingdom, we must be blameless, worship in spirit and truth, and follow the Good Shepherd.

In conclusion, understanding Biblical Cultural Eisegesis is crucial to unlocking the true essence of the Gospels and experiencing their transformative power. By recognizing and overcoming cultural presuppositions, we can align ourselves with the Word, live blamelessly, and receive divine favor and blessings. It is through this journey that we can fully embrace the teachings of Yeshua and the life found within the Gospels.

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